Albanian Agricultural Competitiveness Project (AAC) 2012

Donor: DAI / USAID Subcontractor

Implementation Period: July 30, 2007 – July 12, 2012  

Value:$ 240,849


During 2007 - 2012 IDRA was a local subcontractor of AAC/Project in Albania. This five-year program supported the sustained growth of Albania’s agricultural sector and increase in rural household income by developing and strengthening the competitiveness capacity of producers of high-value agricultural products. The AAC program assisted farmers in improving the productivity of their operations and their responsiveness to trade conditions and opportunities.

IDRA’s major part was developing and maintaining a Performance Measurement Plan (PMP) for the lifespan of the AAC project.  As part of IDRA area of responsibility, there has been conducted several project analysis and research studies such as:

• Annual survey of farmers/project beneficiaries – this was a typical project impact survey directed to the beneficiaries of the project. The survey looked at several variables such as, 1) household income (direct and indirect impact of the project), 2) jobs created from the project impact, 3) price differentiation, 4) number of new markets introduced, etc.

• Cold Chain Survey – a comprehensive survey of all the Cold Chain system from the farm to the market for several agriculture commodities. A survey of farmers, consolidators, cold storage owners, transporters etc.

• Retail Study – a comprehensive survey of retail outlets dealing with fruits and vegetables in 5 major Albanian cities. The aim of the survey was to study the patterns of the retail system for getting the produce from farms as well as recommend measures for the project to follow to improve the situation.

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@htmlstream At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos. 5 hours ago